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Q: What groups were segregated during World War 2?
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What is a segregated army unit?

A segregated army unit is a unit that is completely formed of a minority (such as African-Americans) and were formed during the Civil War used by the Union and during World War I and II (major wars). An example of a segregated army unit is the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (white officers) and the 366th Infantry Regiment (with segregated officers).

How was it like for blacks during world war 2?

they were segregated but later they needed more people so they fought with the whites

Segregated Jewish areas in Polish cities during World War 2?

Segregated Jewish areas in Polish cities were called Ghettos. Hope this helps :)

During world war 1 African American military men served primarily in?

Segregated, non-combat support units.

Who was segregated in World War I?

The racial segragation of African-Americans from European-Americans still existed during WW I, even in the armed forces. On the American side, African Americans were segregated from White Americans.

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What policies did the War Department lay out for Black participation in the military during World War 2?

african Americans would be kept segregated and serve mainly in non-combat units

What groups had new opportunities during world war 2 in America?

america and germany

Who was the terrorist groups in World War 1 and what did they believe?

There were no terrorist groups in World War I.

What groups was massacred by the ottoman empire during world war 1?

Answer this question…Armenians

What groups did Hitler persecute during world war 2?

he persecuted Jew's, gypsies, and the elderly.

What are some hate groups in the US during World War 2?

The KKK and the satanic 666