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Q: What grows faster in stagnant water?
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the one in the sun with no faster grows faster because the plant NEEDS sun to grow

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it grows faster

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yes because you have to know which one grows faster with warm of cooler water..!

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milk molds faster than water. actually im not sure water even molds

Do plants grow faster with water or milk?

i thick it grows better and healther with water

What should be done when a mosquito lays eggs in the stagnant water?

pour oil into the stagnant water

How do you put stagnant into a sentence?

Do not refill your canteen from stagnant water. I left the company because my career became stagnant.

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grass grows faster.

What does stagnant water breed?

Stagnant water is the perfect breeding ground for a number of insects. Dragonfly nymphs, fly maggots, mosquito larvae, water scorpions, algae and biofilm all breed in stagnant water.

Why is stagnant water harmful?

Stagnat water is not running water. Due to this it may be home for mosquitoes. so the stagnant water is harmful to our health

How do you use the word stagnant in a sentence for a child?

The stagnant water smelled nasty.