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AnswerGuitars by themselves can't play sampled sounds since they use magnetic pickups to capture the vibrating strings. However, guitars can be fitted with special pickups that convert the analog sound of the string into MIDI information. Once this conversion is complete, the guitar can trigger any sampled sound imaginable.

Some newer guitars use this technology of conversion to build different sounds directly into them. E.g. a Fender Stratocaster can sound like a Les Paul or a Martin Acoustic or even a banjo.

AnswerA piano would be hard for an Electric Guitar to emulate because of its tonality. However, I have gotten sounds close to church bells or organs using an Electro-Harmonix Polyphonic Octave Generator (POG). Heavy chorusing can turn a guitar's natural sound into something else.

In addition, take your' guitar out to the shops and plug it in and play. What you are describing could mean almost anything to the people on this site. You know what your' looking for.

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Q: What guitar effect mimics other instrument exsample playing an electric guitar using an effect to produce a piano like sound?
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The organs that produce electricity in an electric eel are the Sach's organ and the Hunter's organ What is the ratio between the volume of these organs to amps produced?

The organs that produce electricity in an electric eel are the Sach's organ and the Hunter's organ and the ratio between the volume of these organs to amps produced is 1:30.

How do you produce electricity with the help of sound in a simple way at home?

The easiest way is by use of a microphone. Another way is with an electric guitar pickup.

What is the difference between electric cars and petrol cars?

Electric cars are better for the environment. Whereas, the fuel vehicle emits harmful gases like carbon due to petrol or diesel. But, electric vehicles produce fewer greenhouse gases and air pollution than petrol. That's why interest in purchasing an electric vehicle is increasing.

Which Canadian province produces the most thermoelectric energy?

Well I live in BC and it does a lot of hydro power the the greatest is Quebec.

Why 250 volts AC in New Zealand instead of 110 volts AC which America uses is one safer and is more energy footprint required to produce the higher voltage?

The reason for increasing the voltage in the electric network is, in fact, that it saves energy. The power dissipated in electric wiring is proportional to the square of the electric current. By increasing the voltage, the current decreases provided that the power consumption at the consumer is to remain constant. This means less loss in the electric network. For the same reason, very high voltages, hundreds of thousand volts, are used in long-distance wires. The voltage is converted using transformers when it reaches the consumers, with a relatively low power loss.

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