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Mint will always last at least a little bit longer than strawberry gum. Most of the time, mint gum is longer lasting than fruit gum, but a few companies make long lasting fruit gum. There is not a long lasting strawberry gum yet.

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13y ago
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Yes, the flavor does last longer in mint gum than in fruit gum.

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Bubble gum.

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Q: What gum lasts longer bubble gum or mint gum?
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No it lasts less than a few hours. There isn't many long lasting gum.

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Stride lasts about 20 min longer than any other sugarless gum and about 40 min longer than any sugar gum

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Well they have made i new kind of gum called stride it is made to last longer so probaly stride would last the longer hope that helps there is a new gum called 5 gum and that lasts a really long time. There is um mentos and it lasts for 2 hours .

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What gum lasts longer bubble gum or mint?

neither, they are the same.I find that bubble gum lasts longer than mint gum.__________________________________________________________That completely depends on what you mean by 'lasts longer'.If you are talking about the actual piece of gum, and how long it will last before it disintegrates into nothingness, (or extremely small particles if you want to get technical) then you are talking about a figure that hardly matters anyway, unless you're wondering how long it is before it comes off your shoe.If you are talking psychologically, ie how long a person can stand there chewing mindlessly before spitting it out, usually onto the ground, then that depends on the individual person's traits, including, but not limited to:Stubborness, boredness, unawaredness (ie they forget they are chewing gum), tiredness, jaw strength, tooth count (ie number of teeth in their mouth), automatic swallowing reflex and preferred gum flavour.Which brings us to our next point, which is that you could be talking about how long the flavour of the gum lasts. In general, chewing gum will retain its taste longer than bubble gum, as that is what it was desinged to do (ie provide a nice taste and chewability) whereas bubble gum is used to blow bubbles that end up all over ones face in a delightfully sticky mess.You however, have singled out bubble gum and mint gum as the only available option, which is very unfair as all the other forms of chewing gum have been excluded from this descussion, and the bubble gum is therefore likely to be able to come up with a flavour that can beat the poor mint gum in long lastingness.The other variable, one we will not cover in this already frightfully long discussion, is that of the particular type of gum (ie the manufacturer of the gum, such as Hubba Bubba, Willy Wonka or Sugarplum). Undoubtedly they all use different methods of retaining as much flavour as possible.And Cherry Chewing Gum is the best anyway.