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Q: What gun would shoot a bullet with L C 9 1 on the casing?
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Can you shoot a bullet with out a gun?


What do you shoot out of a gun?

a bullet

If you shoot a gun in the air where would the bullet go?

up then down.

If you shoot a gun can you curve the bullet?

no it is pretty impossible to cuve the bullet because if you move the gun as you pull the trigger the bullet would just move in that direction.

Can you shoot a 9mm bullet from a 380 caliber gun?

No, the bullet will not seat.

What kind of bullet would you ask for?

It depends on the application. What kind of gun? What are you intending to shoot?

Can you shoot 25 bullet in a 22 gun?


What is a 9mm gun?

Any gun that shoot a 9 millimeter bullet.

Can you shoot a gun while underwater?

yes. the gun will shoot but the bullet will not go to far due to the friction.

What is a Cat Peeler?

"Cat Peeler" comes from "Cap Peeler," as in a person who "peels caps." To "peel a cap" means to shoot a gun, to peel the casing off the bullet when you fire, i think.

How quick can a machine gun shoot 100 bullet drum?

a machine gun can shoot 100 bullet drum in about 5-15 seconds it can shoot a target down in 3-5 seconds and it shoot at 120 mph

Can you shoot a 32 bullet out of a 38 revolver?

No, you can not shoot a 32 bullet out of a 38 gun. You should always make sure that you have the proper ammunition before you shoot your gun so that you are safe while shooting.