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Most likely you will be suspended if not arrested. It can be considered a weapon in that environment because you are not going to cut down a tree.

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Q: What happen If I Bring A Chainsaw To School?
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Lollipop Chainsaw happened in 360.

What can happen to a 17 year old who bring a pocket knife to school is that a felony?

Yes u can, why bring a knife to school in the first place. tHATS a one way ticket to jail.

Did The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ever happen and if so then where is the proof?

I assume you must be referring to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. No, it is not a real event. It was based roughly on the real life serial killer Ed Gein, but Ed never killed anyone with a chainsaw.

How do you remove the anti-theft system from a 1982 Corvette?

bring out some hammers and a chainsaw

What will happen if you bring a weapon to school?

Nothing if you don't get caught. If you DO get caught, you probably will get suspended and taken to the police.

What year did the actual Texas chainsaw massacre happen no movie?

Texas. same as the movie.

Did Texas chainsaw massacer happen?

No, but it is based on a real serial killer named Ed Gein.

Is the Texas Chainsaw family a real family of killers?

No. There has never been a chainsaw massacre in Texas committed by a family of degenerate cannibals.People like to say that The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is "based on" the true story of the serial killer Ed Gein. But Ed Gein did not live in Texas, he did not murder his victims with a chainsaw, he didn't belong to a family of killers, and he was only convicted of two murders, and most likely didn't commit more than half a dozen or so.It's called The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, yet the real thing didn't happen in Texas, didn't happen with a chainsaw, and wasn't a massacre. So how is it a true story?

Is the chainsaw massacre still alive and in jail?

The chain saw massacre did not actually happen. It was a movie and the characters were not real.

Do you bring children to school or take them to school?

you take them to school because if you said bring them to school it sounds as if you are going to school and you are taking the child with you

What can you bring to school for lunch?

you can bring anything

What is leatherface's weapon?

He uses a chainsaw, hence Texas chainsaw massacre, but he also uses a machete at some points :in the movie Stan Helsing he uses a leaf blower XD