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Most usually nothing. It would be absorbed into the bloodstream over a period of time. However, if it occured near the heart it could possibly cause an embolism and thereby be deadly.

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Q: What happen if air enter in human vein?
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How does air enter the human body?

When you breathe you suck air from your mouth or nose!

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The Ebola virus is transmitted through bodily fluids. It is also suspected that the virus can enter the human body through contact with the whites of the eyes or the mouth. Under laboratory conditions, Ebola has also been transmitted through the air, but this does not happen in nature.

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If there wasn't an ozone, the UV rays will enter the earth. These are fatal for life on earth.

When was Enter Air created?

Enter Air was created in 2009.

Where in one of two places air enter body?

Air can enter the body by the mouth or the nose. Air then goes down the windpipe to the lungs where it can enter the bloodstream.

What is the human nose used for?

warm the air before it enters the body. filter particles before they enter the lungs. an alternative breathing source.

What will happen if you inject into a vein that has no air in it?

Depends on the size of the air bubble, your body will absorb air that comes into the vein, but if the bubble is too big it cannot be absorbed and if it reaches your heart you will die. There is a practice called 'Packing testosterone'. Body builders who inject testosterone will actually put a small air bubble in the syringe which helps pack the testosterone into the muscle for optimum performance. This however is a very small amount. A little air in the vein is fine. This is something that you should never try alone, heck I wouldn't try it period lol! There are some cases where at the hospital and they put in the IV there is bubbles that will get in the line, this is perfectly fine because your blood absorbs it quickly. A syringe full of air injected into your vein would most likely get pumped to your heart and cause a massive heart attack.

Why human breathe is visible in winter not summer?

Not just human breath is visible in winter, that happens to all warmblooded organisms. What you are seeing is the moisture in your breath evaporating into the air. It doesn't happen in summer because it is generally not cold enough for the process to happen.

How do virus enter a particle cell?

it will enter from air

What will happen it you remove the air filter of your four stroke air cooled bike permanently?

Dust and debris were enter the engine causing engine wear. If you don't care if the engine will last very long go ahead and remove the air filter.