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Then dat schul will no longer remains schul..

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Q: What happen if the school principal and teachers are ignorant of school laws and legislation?
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In most schools, you will be expelled for swearing at the principal.

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You would get into trouble. No school principal would allow you to get that close. It is illegal.

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It is very likely that the teacher would be fired for hitting on the principal.

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The legislation of whatever jurisdiction you happen to be in.

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it means, A world not knowing about itself and wants to be free, it will expect things that will never happen to happen.

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Human Beings will be replaced by robots

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It depends on the circumstances and the legislation of the country concerned

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It depends on the circumstances and the legislation of the country.

What would happen if you punched your principal?

You would get into trouble. Depending how old you are you could be arrested for assault.

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Johnson had to gain passage in his civil rights legislation because it was the only way the law was going to pass. He had to twist many of his colleagues arms if it was going to happen.