



An educator (or teacher) is a person who instructs and educates students. To be an educator, a person must obtain professional qualifications and teaching certification from a university or college.

2,539 Questions

What is x-7x?

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x - 7x = -6x

Are farmers more important than teachers?

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Farmers are more important than teachers because the country's economy depends on what Farmers produces, and not what the teacher teaches the students.

Answer 2:

This question actually has two terms. Long term outcome and Short term outcome. In the Short term, Farmers would be more important than teachers because we need the food to survive and it takes less time to grow a full crop than to educate a group of students.

In the Long term, Teachers would be more important than Farmers because without the educated students, we would not have successful Science to better Farmers in growing specific crops. We also in the Long term need educated Students to become educated farmers. An example of what a farmer would need though education is: "If I have 6 pounds of corn seed and 6 acres of land, what ratio can I use to evenly distribute the 6 pounds of corn seed evenly across the 6 acres of land."

Without either there is no future.


Another way to look at this is that farmers and teachers are equally important, and necessary to each other. Teachers have to eat, and Farmers have to learn. If we step back and looks at our society as a whole, we can see that we need each other, and we shouldn't count anyone's career as worthless.

Should teachers were uniforms as well?

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Yes. Teachers have uniforms in school, too. But there are times that they could be wearing casual attire maybe because they haven't washed their uniforms yet.

Discuss current and emerging teacher issues in Kenya?

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Current teacher issues in Kenya include inadequate training and professional development opportunities, low salaries, high workloads, and a lack of resources in schools. Emerging issues include the integration of technology in teaching, addressing the quality of education, supporting inclusive education for students with disabilities, and promoting a positive work environment to retain teachers.

Manual of instructions and kit list use by teachers to manage-laboratory?

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A manual of instructions for laboratory management would provide guidelines for teachers on safety protocols, equipment usage, experiment procedures, and clean-up processes. A kit list would detail the necessary equipment, materials, and supplies needed for specific experiments or activities in the laboratory. Teachers can use these resources to ensure efficient and effective management of the laboratory and provide students with a safe learning environment.

How do plants deal with harsh environmental conditions?

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Plants have developed various strategies to cope with harsh environmental conditions such as drought, extreme temperatures, and high salinity. Some common strategies include adjusting their leaf structure to minimize water loss, developing extensive root systems to access water and nutrients, producing protective chemicals or compounds, and going into dormancy during unfavorable conditions. These adaptations help plants survive and thrive in challenging environments.

Why it is important for a teacher to know the importance of chemistry?

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It is important for a teacher to know the importance of chemistry because it helps them make the subject more engaging and relevant to students by connecting theory to real-life applications. Understanding the significance of chemistry also allows teachers to emphasize its role in various industries and everyday life, helping students appreciate its impact and relevance in the world.

How did scientist learn about Jupiter?

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Scientists have learned about Jupiter through a combination of telescopic observations from Earth, spacecraft missions like NASA's Galileo, and remote sensing instruments that analyze Jupiter's atmosphere and magnetic fields. This data helps scientists understand Jupiter's composition, structure, and behavior.

Know where this is before you begin any lab?

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Yes, it is important to always know the location of the laboratory before beginning any work to ensure that you can navigate the space, access necessary equipment, and know emergency procedures. Familiarizing yourself with the layout and safety features of the lab can help prevent accidents and improve efficiency in conducting experiments.

Number of teachers in the us?

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As of 2020, there were approximately 3.7 million teachers in the United States. This includes teachers in public and private schools at all levels of education, from pre-kindergarten to post-secondary.

Why teachers should be involved in curriculum development?

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Teachers are on the front line when it comes to working with students. It is important to include them in curriculum development because teachers often know what works best with their students.

Does coloured socks effect you learning?

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No, the color of socks you wear should not affect your ability to learn. Learning is primarily influenced by factors such as focus, attention, motivation, and engagement in the material being studied. Sock color is unlikely to have a significant impact on these factors.

What are the differences between listening and hearing?

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This distinction between "listening" and "exposure" is most practically one between "listening" and "hearing." And the consequences for this difference are profound.

"Listening" is active. "Hearing" is passive. "Listening," therefore, is an act of will. "Hearing" can simply happen without desire or intention or interest or preference. "Listening" is emotional. "Hearing" is passionless. "Listening" means getting deep in the experience. "Hearing" means never getting beyond the glossy exterior. "Listening" means listeners will seek out programming. "Hearing" means the programming has to seek out the listener. "Listening" means you tune in specifically for something. "Hearing" means you're listening in part to avoid hearing something - namely anything other than what constitutes a passive listening experience (e.g., commercials, clutter, chit-chat, etc.) "Listening" means marketing can be brand-building and strategic. "Hearing" means marketing is mostly tactical, moving listeners from station to station for a time the way coupons move shoppers at the market. For "hearers" just doing marketing is more important than what the marketing demands of you. It's the impact that matters more than the message. "Listening" means I know and care about you. "Hearing" means I only care about me and I don't even want to know you. "Listening" means I'm tuned in for my favorite songs or personalities. "Hearing" means the devil is not at all in the details but in the simplicity of the brand overall and the degree to which it fulfills its basic expectation. "Listening" means your station will develop fans. "Hearing" means you will attract aisle-browsers.
Listening is actively paying attention.

Hearing is passive and involuntary for anyone that CAN hear.

What is the importance of code of conduct?

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A code of conduct is important as it sets expectations for behavior and ensures a respectful and inclusive environment for all individuals involved. It helps establish guidelines for appropriate actions, fosters trust, and promotes a positive organizational culture.

What is an aspect of personality?

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One aspect of personality is extraversion, which refers to a person's level of social engagement, assertiveness, and enthusiasm. People who are more extraverted tend to be outgoing, talkative, and enjoy interacting with others.

How do you pull a really good prank?

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first you need to pull a straight face and act normally and if you never want them to find out act surprised when they tell you what happened hear are some you can try to do with hair, you can either give or sneak some glue or mayonnaise (could be garlic mayo) in to their shampoo this is a really fun prank to pull another one is to give them a hair brush which brakes so that when they are brushing their hair it gets stuck i learnt this the hard way :/ hope this helped

What is a good prank?

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A harmless and funny prank that doesn't hurt anyone's feelings or property is a good prank. It should be lighthearted and should bring laughter to both the prankster and the person being pranked. Remember to consider the feelings and reactions of others before playing a prank.

What is the percentage of unemployed teachers in the US?

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As of 2021, the unemployment rate for teachers in the US was around 2.8%. This rate can vary depending on factors such as location, subject, and level of education.

How many public school teachers are employed by the state of Wisconsin?

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As of the 2020-2021 school year, there were approximately 57,000 public school teachers employed in the state of Wisconsin.

How many K-12 teachers in US?

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There are many more people who are educated, trained and licensed to teach than are actually teaching.

According to the US Census Bureau 2000 census, the " Number of all teachers in the United States." is 6.2 million.

Importance of sociology of education to a teacher?

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Sociology of education(SOE) helps teachers to understand children's backgrounds and why they act the way they do. It also provides tools to overcome many obstacles brought by students in schools.

Since Human relationships are very complex, SOE helps teachers to be aware of certain outcomes of a group's behavior, and to understand that attitudes, values and beliefs of those around them in order to affect teaching

Knowledge of sociology of education enables teachers to sensitize and enlighten developments within a society. It also helps teachers deal with any situation that may arise in society.

How many high school math teachers are there in each state?

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The exact number of high school math teachers in each state can vary based on factors such as population size and educational policies. Each state's department of education typically collects this data and may provide specific numbers upon request.

What is a teachers social class?

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A teacher's social class can vary depending on factors such as their level of education, income, and societal perception. Teachers typically fall into the middle class category, although this can differ based on location, experience, and other individual circumstances.

Who is given the special gift of infallibility to protect them from error in teaching matters of faith and morals?

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According to Catholic belief, the Pope is given the special gift of infallibility to protect him from error in teaching matters of faith and morals when he speaks ex cathedra, or officially from the Chair of Peter. This means that under certain conditions and with specific criteria met, the Pope is preserved from error when issuing teachings on matters of faith and morals for the whole Church to believe.

What are the traditional assessment tools in teaching?

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Traditional assessment tools in teaching include quizzes, tests, exams, essays, and homework assignments. These tools are typically used to evaluate students' understanding of the material taught in a course.