


Humanism is an approach in study, philosophy, world view or practice that focuses on human values and concerns. This category regards any type of humanism, as well as questions about famous humanists.

661 Questions

Humanism in science fiction movies?

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Humanism in science fiction movies is often portrayed through themes that explore complex moral and ethical dilemmas, the importance of empathy and understanding, and the potential consequences of technology on humanity. These movies often challenge viewers to reflect on what it means to be human and the impact of our choices on society and the world. Through characters and storylines, humanism in science fiction movies emphasizes the value of compassion, cooperation, and the pursuit of a better future for all.

What do you call something that reproduces with itself?

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An organism that can reproduce with itself is called hermaphroditic or self-fertilizing.

People live for their beliefs and die for them?

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Beliefs are deeply intertwined with personal identity and values, often shaping how individuals perceive the world and their place in it. When beliefs are strong enough, individuals may be willing to make significant sacrifices, even risking their lives to uphold them. This can be seen throughout history in examples of martyrdom, self-sacrifice for a cause, or standing up for what one believes in despite the consequences.

State two preparedness measures each in pre during and post tsunami scenario?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pre-tsunami: 1. Develop a tsunami evacuation plan with designated evacuation routes and safe meeting points. 2. Create an emergency supply kit with essentials such as food, water, first aid supplies, and important documents.

During tsunami: 1. Evacuate to higher ground immediately if advised by authorities. 2. Stay tuned to emergency alerts and follow instructions from local authorities.

Post-tsunami: 1. Check for injuries and administer first aid as needed. 2. Stay away from coastal areas until authorities confirm it is safe to return.

Why does your body need carbon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carbon is a fundamental element in many biological molecules such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids like DNA. These molecules are essential for various cellular processes, energy production, growth, and tissue repair in the body. Carbon serves as a building block for these vital biological molecules, making it essential for overall health and function.

How are fungi important to humans?

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Fungi are important to humans because they are used in medicine to produce antibiotics, such as penicillin. They are also used in food production, such as in baking bread and fermenting beer, wine, and cheese. Additionally, fungi play a key role in decomposition and nutrient cycling in ecosystems.

How could humanism help people solve problems?

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Humanism emphasizes reason, ethics, and compassion, which can help individuals approach problems with critical thinking and empathy. By promoting human potential and well-being, humanism encourages people to collaborate, seek innovative solutions, and prioritize the greater good when addressing challenges. This human-centered approach can foster resilience, cooperation, and meaningful progress in problem-solving efforts.

What is humanism on what subject did they focus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively. It focuses on enhancing human dignity, promoting reason, science, and critical thinking, and advocating for compassion and social justice. Humanists emphasize the importance of living a meaningful and fulfilling life based on human potential and autonomy.

In what way was humanism different from previous ways of thinking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism emphasized the importance of human values, dignity, and potential, shifting away from the traditional focus on religious or supernatural matters. It placed an emphasis on human reason, individualism, and critical thinking, marking a departure from the rigid dogmas of the past. Humanism also led to a revival of classical learning and a focus on secular subjects such as literature, history, and art.

How did humanism differ from medieval ways of thinking?

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Humanism emphasized the importance of human potential and achievements, focusing on individualism, reason, and the revival of classical texts and learning. In contrast, medieval thinking was more focused on religious beliefs, authority of the church, and the afterlife, with less emphasis on the individual and secular knowledge.

How does a cathedral relate to the Renaissance philosophy of humanism?

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Cathedrals of the Renaissance period often incorporated humanist values into their architecture and artwork by emphasizing the dignity and importance of the individual. They celebrated human achievement, intellect, and creativity through elaborate decorations, statues, and frescoes that reflected humanist ideals of beauty, proportion, and symmetry. Overall, cathedrals served as symbolic representations of human potential and the harmony between humanity, art, and religion during the Renaissance.

What are the four central ideas of humanism?

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The four central ideas of humanism are human potential and dignity, reason and science, ethics and social justice, and secularism and individualism. Humanism emphasizes the worth and agency of individuals, the importance of critical thinking and evidence-based inquiry, the promotion of fairness and equality in society, and the separation of church and state.

How did christian humanism build on the earlier ideas of scholasticism?

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Christian humanism built on the earlier ideas of scholasticism by emphasizing the study of classical literature, languages, and history alongside the study of theology. It placed a greater emphasis on the importance of human reason, personal development, and the pursuit of moral virtues. Humanists sought to integrate these classical teachings with Christian beliefs to promote a more holistic approach to education and spirituality.

How does to be or not to be reflect humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

"To be or not to be" reflects humanism by exploring the inner thoughts and struggles of the individual, emphasizing personal choice and autonomy. It highlights the human capacity for self-reflection and the search for meaning in the face of life's challenges. Shakespeare's use of language in this soliloquy captures the essence of humanist ideals by focusing on the individual's inner conflict and existential questions.

What is an accurate definition of humanism'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, prioritizing reason, critical thinking, and empathy in pursuit of human flourishing and societal progress. It rejects supernaturalism and focuses on the potential for individuals to lead fulfilling lives through compassion and rationality.

How did the humanism movement change the way people thought about life?

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The humanism movement emphasized the value and potential of individuals, encouraging critical thinking, exploration of human experiences, and the pursuit of knowledge. It shifted focus from religious teachings to human experiences and achievements, fostering a more secular and individualistic view of life. Humanism also promoted a belief in the power of reason and human agency, leading to advancements in areas such as science, art, and philosophy.

How is humanism reflected in renaissance rt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism in Renaissance art is reflected through a focus on human figures and the celebration of individualism, human emotions, and the beauty of the human form. Artists depicted realistic portrayals of people and nature, incorporating perspective, shading, and proportion to create depth and dimension in their works. Humanistic themes such as love, beauty, and the human experience were prevalent in Renaissance art, as artists sought to capture the essence of humanity.

How did Leonardo bruni personified civic humanism?

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Leonardo Bruni personified civic humanism through his promotion of active citizenship, education, and the belief that individuals have a responsibility to participate in the affairs of their community for the betterment of society. He held various public offices and emphasized the importance of virtue, ethics, and public service in shaping a well-ordered society. Bruni's writings also highlighted the connection between classical learning and civic engagement, advocating for a well-rounded education that cultivated both intellectual and moral virtues.

In what way was humanism different from previous way of thinking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism focused on the individual and their potential for self-improvement, rather than solely on religious teachings or obedience to authority as seen in previous ways of thinking. It emphasized a balance between secular knowledge and moral education, promoting critical thinking, learning, and appreciation for human accomplishments.

What way is humanism different than the previous way of thinking?

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Humanism shifted focus away from religious authority and tradition towards human potential and capabilities. It emphasized critical thinking, rationality, and individualism over dependence on divine revelation. This marked a shift towards a more human-centered worldview.

What word best describes he character of humanism?

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Humanism can be best described as a belief system or philosophy that emphasizes human values and interests, focusing on the potential and worth of individuals. It values reason, ethics, and the pursuit of knowledge, while promoting the idea of human agency and autonomy.

What is Ethan oppong?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not clear what you are referring to with "Ethan Oppong." Ethan is a common first name, and Oppong could be a surname. It may be helpful to provide more context or clarify your question.

Who claimed that Nazism was the result of humanism?

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French philosopher Julien Benda argued that Nazism was a result of humanism in his book "The Treason of the Intellectuals." Benda believed that intellectuals had forsaken their duty to uphold universal values in favor of pursuing narrow political ideologies, leading to the rise of totalitarian regimes like Nazism.

What is the theory that emphasizes the importance of purposeful shared values in shaping human behaviour?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theory that emphasizes the importance of purposeful shared values in shaping human behavior is known as values theory. This theory posits that individual and collective behaviors are influenced by the values we hold and prioritize in our lives. By aligning on shared values, groups can collaborate more effectively and work towards common goals.

What accurately reflects humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, focusing on rationality, ethics, and personal development. It rejects supernatural beliefs and promotes critical thinking, compassion, and social progress. In humanism, individuals are seen as responsible for shaping their own lives and society through reason and empathy.