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If you put salt on a frog or any water dwelling creature, IT'S SKIN WILL BUBBLE UP AND IT WILL EVENTUALLY DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

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14y ago
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Jaidean Bowlin

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4mo ago

It will bubble and if it don't reach the water in time it will die

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12y ago

yes it makes the frogs and toad hop off and if it doesnt get to the water in time the frog blows up, i know cause my parents did that in Cuba.

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11y ago

It is said they dehydrate and slowly die

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Q: What happen to a live frog when you pour salt on it?
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What kills frogs?

Common salt kills a frog. Just pour some salt on the frogs back and see what happens. people kill frogs. just like people kill people. salt does not kill a frog .it just agitates them and make them go all crazy.

Can solid pour?

You can only pour sand... and i think if salt is a solid then you can pour salt. Hope this helped!

Would a frog die if it was put in salt water for a night?

Yes. No frog can survive in salty water. Som live in brackish water though

What will happen when you pour salt on plastic?

Pouring salt on plastic will not have any immediate visible effect on the plastic itself. However, if the salt is left on the plastic for an extended period of time, it may cause discoloration or degradation of the plastic material over time.

Why do frog legs move with salt?

Probably because there are still some live cells and when you salt them, the cells react causing the muscles to move and twitch.

Why don't frogs live in the ocean?

they'll get eaten Because, Frog's also live on ground and there's no ground in the middle of an ocean and they don't like salt and the ocean has salt in it's waters. Frog's don't like salt- they like to be healthy yanno? And perhaps they're scared of Shark's, okay? I'm scared of sharks.

What species of frog live in the sea?

No amphibians live in the ocean. Not only do they not carry the swimming capability to live in such a vast amount of open water, but their skin is not equipped for salt water as well.

Can salt be on a African dwarf frog?


How do leeches die?

Pour salt on it

How do you pour salt from a jar to beaker?

You can use a funnel for fine salt.

What is the effect when you pour salt on a plant?

If the plant is not a salt water plant, then plasmolysis will occur when you pour salt on a plant.When you pour salt on a plant water molecules inside the cell are drawn out. When the water molecules leave the cell, the cell becomes dehydrates and shrinks. This is called plasmolysis.

Will rock salt repel frogs?

Rock salt will definitely repel any frog. This is because the rock salt will threaten to draw all of the moisture out of a frog's skin and kill it.