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In both girls and boys, there are different physical changes. But in both, the bodies become sexually mature and capable of reproduction.

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Q: What happen to both during puberty?
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What will happen if you produce sperms during puberty?

Nothing , that's what happens during puberty

What determines which part of your brain will be lost during puberty?

This is a myth that brain is lost during puberty. Nothing of the sorts happen.

What do both boys and girs grow during puberty?

Both boys and girls grow their sex organs and hormones through puberty. There are a lot of changes that happen to boys and girls as they go through teenage years. The sex hormones are very rampant in them during this age group.

What will happen to the hip and thighs during puberty?

they will become more wide

What doesn't happen to boys during puberty?

Well, they don't get there period

What happen in the testis during puberty?

The testis grow in size during puberty. Also the sperm made by the testis becomes fertile.

Why should a boy or a girl not feel bad about changes that happen to him to her during puberty?

It is a natural occurence that happens to everyone. There are many changes that will happen during puberty. It is the path that leads from childhood to adulthood. Be patient and all will become fine in the end by the time puberty has ended.

Are male kangaroos hostile during puberty and at what age?

It is very possible that this may happen. In all animals, puberty causes aggressive behavior.

Why do people feel scared before they hit puberty?

They are scared because many changes are about to happen during puberty. Also, there is the fear of the unknown

What is one thing that could only happen to a girl during puberty?

She starts her period

What behaveioral changes may happen to aboys ora girkls during puberty?

Behavioral changes that may happen to boys and girls during puberty, is that they may have bigger attitudes. They may struggle with self esteem, and may become rebellious.

Does the production of sex cells occur during puberty?

yes, this happens both when men and women go through puberty