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Such a solid will either:

a) Increase in temperature

b) Melt

c) or both

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10y ago

They expand and then melt.

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Q: What happen to solid when they absorbs heat?
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Absorbs heat and melts.

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What happen to a solid when you heat it?

it start evaporating

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if you heat a solid substance it will melt at certain degree of temperature according to the substance.

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it will melt .

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Because it absorbs heat and changes from the solid to liquid state.

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What happens when a solid absorbs energy?

Typically the solid will both increase in temperature and expand, as the heat energy delivered to the solid causes its molecules to vibrate faster and to increase their spacing.

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every color absorbs heat ... but white absorbs less heat ...and black colour absorbs more heat ..

What happens to solid when absorb or release heat?

when it absorbs heat temp increases if heat sufficient enough then changes into the liquid state if heat is released then the temp decreases if it is high then it gets feezed

If large amounts of heat are transferred to a solid what will probably happen to the state of the solid?

it will change from solid to liquid or gas

How does color affect how an object absorbs heat?

White color doesn't absorbs heat and black color absorbs heat much.