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Q: What happen to the stomata if the plant loses too much water?
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Why does having too much stomata increase water loss?

Stomata are like pores that are meant to control water levels, especially in transpiration. The right number of stomata keeps the plant in equilibrium, too many and the plant loses too much water, drying out and dying.

What do you think would happen if a plant had no stomata?

If a plant did not have stomata on the bottom of its leaves, water and oxygen leaving the plant would not be regulated.

What would happen if a plant lacks stomata?

Water could not pass through it and it could not function.

Which part of the human body is most similar to the stomata in plants?

It's the skin. Stomata are pores in the plant leaves through which water vapour escapes the plant. The human body loses water in the form of sweat through the sweat pores in the skin.

What happen when a plant loses water?

When a plant cell loses water it will undergo a condition called plasmolysis. This condition only happens in the extreme condition and rarely happens in the natural conditions.

How does water get out of a plant?

Water can get out by transpiration through the leafs stomata.

What happen when a living plant cell loses water through osmosis and what does that phenomenon is known as?

ahmad raza

Does water enters the plant through stomata?

The cells that regulate how much air and water pass through the stomata are called guard cells.

What part of the plant gives off water vapor through openings called stomata?

Plant leaves have openings called stomata.

What is a stomata's purpose?

to help water and gasses get into the plant

What moves out of the plant through the stomata?

water vapour

When does loss of turgor happen?

Turgor would be lost when a plant loses water. Salt water can cause water to move out of plant cells and the plant would wilt.