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The urine volume will decrease.

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Q: What happen to urine volume when water intake is decreased?
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What happens to the volume and dilution of urine when alcohol is consumed?

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The tumor would cause increased secretion of glucocorticoids and decreased aldosterone production, leading to increased sodium and water retention in the kidneys. This would result in increased urine volume and decreased urine concentration, leading to dilute urine with low sodium levels.

What happen to urine volume if you did not add ADH to the collecting duct?

I think the urine volume will significantly increase. The less water reabsorbed, the more urine will be formed.

What will happen to urine volume in hypertension patient taking thiazide drug?

Thiazides like hydrochlorotiazyde is a diuretic and it will increase the volume of urine.

Why someone who is haemorrhaging with falling systemic BP and volume has a decreased urine output?

If you have hemorrhage, your blood is in a place somewhere else when it should be inside your blood vessels. You will have a decreased urine output because your body will increase water reabsorption to have a greater blood volume so your body will conserve body fluids.

What will happen to the volume to urine if large amount of blood loss occur?

Drops significantly.

Predict what would happen to urine volume if you did not add ADH to the collecting duct?

urine volume would hugely increase ... because the ADH is an anti-urination material.

What effect would drinking water have on fluid handling in kidney?

Too much fluid intake will cause the kidneys to produce more urine and inadequate fluid intake will cause the kidneys to conserve body fluids by reducing the volume of urine excreted

What is icd-9 code for decreased urine output?

Decreased urine output is also known as Oliguria. Renal malfunctions or dehydration can cause Oliguria. The ICD-9 code for decreased urine output/oliguria is 788.5.