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chicken wings

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Q: What happen when honey pot ant taps its antennae on a fat honey pot and?
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Related questions

What does antennae mean?

the ant has little antennae

How many noses does an ant have?

An ant smells with her antennae. So, 2.

Do ant find food by smelling or sighting?

they do it by there antennae.

How long is a ant antennae?

Measure it and then you'll know

Is a honey ant the only ant with a clear abdomen?

Yes, the honey ant has a jello like substance protecting the abdomen. Other ants don't have this and that is how the honey ant got its name.

If you kill a honey ant can you suck the honey out?

Yes, you can Suck the honey out of an honey ant I know so I've my self have eaten this creature

How does the antennae help the ant?

It helps the insect to sense and smell.

How does an ant see?

It doesn't. it uses its antennae for sight, smell, and taste.

How do the ant's antennae help it find out about its environment?

It helps it find food

Why do bugs have antennae?

to feel or see things

Does an ant investigate new discoveries of food with it's antennae.?


What does the honey ant survive on?

honey, plants and bugs