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its lead to the formation of zyzote

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Q: What happen when male and female gemetes fuse?
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When do you acquire your unique genotype?

at the moment of conception when the male and female gametes fuse together. at the moment of conception when the male and female gametes fuse together.

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A Female ovum and a Male sperm together make?

A Female ovum and a Male sperm fuse to create a zygote cell. It is the earliest developmental stage of the embryo.

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In animals, mating is done when a female and male come together. The sperm from the male and the ovum from the female fuse to create a new organism.

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The sperm from the male has to meet with the egg from the female

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that is gross

Can anything happen if you keep a male and female hamster toghether for two long?

yeah a pregnant female

Is it wrong for a male nudest to get an erection around a female nudest?

No! It can happen. But if you are a true nudist, this normally does not happen.

Are Male or female puppies easier to train?

female because they are not as aggressive as males

What will happen if you married a male horse with a female rat?

They would remain childless.

WHAT is the name given to the process when the male and felmale sex cells fuse?

The male sex cell is called male gamete in plaqnts and female sex cell as egg or female gamete. The union of these gametes is called fertilization.