

What happen when you are selling marijuana?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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You can either :

1. make money

2. get caught and go to jail

3. get robbed from people your trying to sell too

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Q: What happen when you are selling marijuana?
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What would Happen if you were caught selling Marijuana?

im pretty sure that you would get sentenced about 3-5 years but it deepends on how much you would be caring on you

Is selling marijuana a Misdemeanor or a felony?

Selling marijuana can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the quantity, location, and circumstances of the sale. Generally, selling small amounts of marijuana may result in misdemeanor charges, while selling larger quantities or repeating offenses may lead to felony charges.

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i believe trafficing of marijuana is when you get caught bringing it from one place to another, and distribution is the act of actually selling it.

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"I am often exposed to marijuana fumes in my job." Yes, but in some locales they'll hang you for selling it.

Penalties for selling marijuana in school?

The penalty for selling drugs on school grounds according to my research is that You'll get expelled and arrested for drug dealing.

What are the penalties if convicted of selling marijuana?

The maximun sentence for sellin weeed is five years.

Is selling medical marijuana a sin?

no it jus shows ur doing gods work