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There could be many causes, including one or more sexually transmitted diseases [STDs]. No one can help you diagnose this potentially serious health problem on this site, so I suggest you have a Doctor see the problem and make the proper treatment.

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16y ago
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13y ago

You are very uncomfortable for a couple of weeks while it heals. You also learn to be more careful.

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13y ago

If you have had sex with someone, you probably picked up an STD. Sexually Transmitted Disease. Go to a doctor or clinic.

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14y ago

You should've worn your raincoat

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13y ago

Three letters my friend. S T D.

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Q: What happen when you burn your penis?
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Burning silver nitrate will release toxic nitrogen dioxide gas and leave behind silver metal residue. The reaction is exothermic and can be violent, so it should be done with caution and in a controlled environment.

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We will be burn just like sun burn

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Maybe yours is in someway cut or scratched that the chlorine burns it

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Can neosporin be applied to an uncircumcised penis that is slightly infected from a sweat burn?

Ask the doctor.