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After the discovery polonium was studied in details for the advance of scientific knowledge and to find applications.

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Q: What happened after the discovery of polonium?
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How did marie curies discovery of polonium affect us now or in the future?

The discovery of polonium doesn't affect us.

Discovery of polonium?

Polonium was diacovered in 1898 by Marie and Pierre Curie.

How did the invention of the polonium and radium change history?

The discovery (not invention) of polonium and radium didn't changed the history.

How did the discovery of polonium and radium affect the model of the atom?

The discoveries of radium and polonium doesn't affect the atom model.

Credite whit the discovery of polonium and radium?

Marie Curie

What benefits resulted from the discovery of polonium?

Any material benefit resulted; this discovery was a big success of chemistry and patience.

What is the significance of Marie Curie's discovery of radium and polonium?

Discoveries of polonium and radium are examples of hard work, scientific passion, intelligence, patience etc.

How does Marie curies study of polonium help us?

The discovery of polonium was a lesson in patience and passionate work for science, for all rational human beings.

What was Marie Curies greatest contribution?

The discovery of radium and polonium in July and December of 1898.

How does polonium help the world?

Some applications of polonium: - neutron source as a mixture polonium-beryllium (also used for nuclear weapons) - elimination of the dust from the surface of materials - elimination of the static electricity - radioactive heat source

What are Marie curie and Pierre invented?

Marie and Pierre curie discovered the elments polonium and radium which they won a nobel prize for discovery

Why was Marie Curie's discovery of radium and polonium important?

These discoveries are examples of hard work, scientific passion, intelligence, patience etc.