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you were either shot dead as you escaped

had to find an ally who would be willing to help you escape the country

stay in the surrounding forests until it was over or you were killed/rescued

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Q: What happened after you escaped from the concentration camps?
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What happened if you escaped nazi concentration camps?

they found you every prisioner had a number

Who escaped from the concentration camps and moved to the UK?

the jews ___ Very few people indeed escaped from Nazi concentration camps.

How escaped from Hitler in concentration camps?

they called Hitler and asked if they could leave

What happened on exiting at the concentration camps?

your momma is a hoe

What happened to your body after you died in concentration camps?

it was burned

What happened to the people that were sent to the concentration camps?

You died

When did the concentration camps officially end?

Each camp ceased to be a concentration camps when it was liberated by one of the Allied armies. This happened on different dates at each camps.

Did all people die in concentration camps?

No, some escaped and some were released. But most of them died yes.

Did the Nazis constatly look at the fences?

In concentration camps they did most of the time but if you read storys that some of the camps they were careless and most of the jewish people escaped

What happened to the nazis operating the concentration camps?

they flee or died

What happened to peoples items at concentration camps?

most were confiscated

What happened to the Jews when they were in German concentration camps?

Most were murdered.