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the creek dried up and made shale, then what could of happened is it made a layer of shale and later limestone formed and made a layer of limestone on top of shale

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Q: What happened between the formation of Columbia limestone and the marden creek shale?
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What is the difference between stalacmites and stalatites?

A stalagtite is a mineral formation that forms at the top of a limestone cave. A stalagmite is a mineral formation that rises from the bottom of a limestone cave.

How does groundwater cause chemical weathering?

Groundwater causes chemical weathering by speeding reactions between reactive materials. Typical would be an oxidizing reaction, such as the formation of rust in rocks containing iron, or the dissolution of limestone by carbonic acid.

How much is the price per ton of limestone?

The average cost of a ton of crushed limestone is between $27.50 and $38.20. The cost varies in different areas dependent upon the availability of limestone in that area.

What is the difference between calcite and limestone?

I think you have it confused, dolomite and limestones are not the same thing:Limestone is composed of calcite or calcium carbonate, CaCO3, and dolostone is composed of dolomite or calcium magnesium carbonate, Ca,Mg(CO3).Okla gave the chemical formula for ankerite, which is in the dolomite group.In the field dolostone and limestone are difficult to tell apart (but there crystals are fairly diagnostic) way is to drop some HCl on them. Limestone will fizz (effervesce) and dolostone will not...UNLESS it is powdered...then it will fizz.Source(s):Manual of Mineralogy (after J.D. Dana), 19th ed., 1977, Hurlbut and Klein.Now it can happen and find them both combined in what it's called Dolomitic limestone, which is more or less 50/50 mixture of calcite and dolomite for carboniferous limestone, limestone is a very abundant formation, it's not exclusive to one era or one location and it can be very variant from one place to another, you have to be more specific about where this carboniferous limestone is located!

What is the the word for a break between rock formation?


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What is the difference between stalacmites and stalatites?

A stalagtite is a mineral formation that forms at the top of a limestone cave. A stalagmite is a mineral formation that rises from the bottom of a limestone cave.

What happened between the time of formation and the present day?

Nothing happened. Formation immediately just became present day in an instant.

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Nothing. Absolutely nothing has happened!

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Gypsum is formed underwater, usually between layers of shale and limestone. When the water evaporates and the area dries, the gypsum becomes solid "rock" gypsum.

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Gypsum is formed underwater, usually between layers of shale and limestone. When the water evaporates and the area dries, the gypsum becomes solid "rock" gypsum.

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It is questionable due to the fact that there is no official timeline of Fraser Island.

If limestone was crushed what would it do to the rate of reaction between an acid and the limestone?

If the limestone was crushed the reaction would speed up because the limestone would have a larger surface area available to react with the acid.

What is the relationship between limestone marble and chalk?

Chalk and marble are forms of limestone. They are all made of Calcium Carbonate.

How does groundwater cause chemical weathering?

Groundwater causes chemical weathering by speeding reactions between reactive materials. Typical would be an oxidizing reaction, such as the formation of rust in rocks containing iron, or the dissolution of limestone by carbonic acid.