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I presume you mean the Mean Corpuscular Volume:this is an average volume of a Red Blood Cell.

This is a low reading, meaning the cells are smaller than normal. This can be due to iron deficiency.

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Q: What happened if the result of Mean corpuscular Hb is H 32.50?
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What does the medical abbreviation MCH mean?

detects: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobinmeans average Haemoglobin quantity insuide the Red Blood CellMean corpuscular hemoglobinMean Corpuscular Hemoglobin.It's the avarage mass of hemoglobin in a erytrocyt (red blood cell).A normal value in humans is 27-31 picograms/cell.Converted to SI-units: 1.68 - 1.92 fmol/cell.Ruben Verdoren, biological laboratory studies student.mean corpuscular hb.MCH stands for Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. It is a measure of the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell.It's the abbreviation for "Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin". This is a measure for how much hemoglobin per red blood cell count.MCH stands for Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. It is a measure of the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell.

What is MCH in hematology test?

could indicate anemia

What does a low Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin level mean?

When Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin level is low or commonly known as MCH, this means a person has iron-deficiency anemia. This type of anemia can be caused by insufficient iron in the diet or blood loss.

What does the medical abbreviation MCHC mean?

MCHC stands for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. It is used in conjunction with other data from the CBC to determine possible causes when a patient has a low red blood cell count (anemia).mean corpuscular haemoglobin

What does outcome mean?

It means the result of something occurring.

What is the full form of MCV?

1) Mean Corpuscular Volume 2) Mean Cell Volume 3) Medical College of Virginia

What does it mean when your mchc is low?

When one has a low MCHC, it means that their mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration is low. It can mean that a person has iron-deficiency anemia.

What does cause and effect pattern mean?

cause is how it happened an effect is the result

What does conseqently mean?

As a result of.... Because something happened then something else will happen consequently or as a result of the thing before.