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Prince Shotoku was issued into government a then he changed it little by little.

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Q: What happened in Japan that made their government different from china in the ninth century?
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Gun came to japan in the 15th century and were used in some battle by different warlords to great effect.

What happened in Japan during the late 16th century?

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What happened between the late 15th century and 1603 in japan?

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How was government in japan different than government in china?

No that is why I am asking

Does China govern Japan?

China does not govern Japan. They are two different countries and have different government systems.

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The one that happened in Japan a few months ago after the earthquake.

What was the government of ancient Japan like?

18th century Japan was time of peace. Samurai warriors turned bureaucrats and Japan still produced military weapons but cost of them was ridiculous.

Which action taken by the Meiji government encouraged industrialization in 19th century japan?

building a modern transportation system

Which is correct in Japan in the 21st Century or in Japan of the 21st Century?

Answer 1I assume you are trying convey something that occurred in japan during the 21st century?If so, I would probably use something like: "In 21st Century Japan .. .. .."Answer 1It depends what you are trying to convey. If you are describing Japan and using the timeframe to specify Japan, it would be better to use "Japan of the 21st Century". Example: Unlike Tokugawa Japan, Japan of the 21st Century maintains numerous strong, international relationships.If you are discussing the 21st Century in general and then move to Japan, it would be better to use "Japan in the 21st Century". Example: America in the 21st Century continue to use their military to solve disputes whereas Japan in the 21st Century is committed to peaceful alternatives.

Does Japan have government services?

Does Japan have a government?

How did Buddhist ideas affect Japan's government?

the Buddhist ideas had affected Japan's government by the Buddhist fighting japan for the government positition

What is government in japan?

the name of the government in Japan is Chony Monarchy. thanks for asking