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Q: What happened in the invasion of France in World War 2?
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What did France and Britain DO in World War 2?

invasion of Poland

What happened first in World War 2 the bombing or the invasion?

The D-Day invasion beaches and defences were bombed beforehand. The invasion happened after.

How did France benefit from World War 1?

France were no longer at the risk of a German invasion.

What caused the conflict of World War 2?

Here is the main summary of why World War 2 happened from an article. World War Two began in September 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany following Germany's invasion of Poland. Although the outbreak of war was triggered by Germany's invasion of Poland, the causes of the war are more complex.

Who was in overall command of the invasion of France in World War 2?

Do you mean the German invasion of France in 1940 or the Allied invasion of France in 1944? If you mean the Allied invasion of 1944. the supreme commander of all Allied forces was Dwight Eisenhower.

What was the date of the invasion of France during World War 2?

June 6th, 1944

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What conflict led France to join in World War 2?

Germany's invasion of Poland.

Great Britain and France entered World War 2 because of the invasion of where?


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invasion of ethiopia, invasion of greece, incursions into north africa, declaration of war agains france