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What's limestone

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Q: What happened in the past to cause limestone to look the way it does now?
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Cause you keep looking at the clock at 36 past.

What is an interesting fact about limestone?

Most limestone was originally formed from sediments at the bottom of oceans, past and present.

What is limestone's past?

It was the skeletons/shells of living animals and plants.

What is the past tense of happen?

Happened is the past tense of happen.

What is the meaning of past and passed?

Past defines a time that's already happened; the opposite of future. Passed is the past tense of pass meaning to move or cause to move in a specified direction.

What is took a quick look?

Took a quick look is the past tense. It is the past tense of take a quick look. Take a quick look means to look at something quickly. Took a quick look means it happened in the past. eg Can you take a quick look at my essay and tell me what you think? I took a quick look at his essay and I don't think he has written enough.

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Caused is already past tense. It's the past tense of cause.

How much limestone would you get in an average quarry?

This past week I visited a limestone quarry that has been mining limestone in one place for 40 years. In that time, they will have mined millions of tons of limestone. Usually nearly ALL the rock is limestone, so the answer will depend on the size (area) of the quarry, how deep you can mine, and presence of any "trash" rock.

What is the Past participle for look?

The past participle of "look" is "looked".

What type of limestone is used in classrooms?

The sedimentary rock, chalk, a form of limestone, was used in the past as a writing instrument on slate blackboards, but most 'chalk' today is actually gypsum.

What is meant by past tense?

Past tense means that the action happened in the past.

What is past tense for happen?

The past tense of happen is happened.