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Discovered the west indies.

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Devon Smith

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Q: What happened in the process of European countries looking for a sea route to Asia?
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What is the home country of Electrolux?

electrolux receives its resources from other european countries however there is no definate country as to exactly where it comes from. this is because all european countries rely on another countrty to gain the resources they don't have, then they can combine and sell or trade them off to other countries for profit. the process is a constant chain.

What is an accession country?

An accession country is a country which is in the process of joining a union, used specifically to refer to new countries joining the European Union.

How did George Washington chang the world?

George Washington proved that a distant colony could stand up to, and even defeat, a strong European power. He began a process that took almost 200 years to complete, ending with nearly all major colonies of European countries becoming independent.

Which countries still wanted to join the European Union?

At the current time Croatia, FYR Macedonia and Turkey are what are called candidate countries, meaning they are in the process of applying for membership.

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The causes of the European economic cooperation was the "near" destruction of Europe during WWII. Europe had to be "rebuilt", just as large parts of Asia, and Japan had to be rebuilt. A rebuilding PROCESS takes cooperation from those countries involved.

What process did Columbus and his followers begin?

the process of modern exploration and european colonization of the americans

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This preparation process involves looking at the characteristics of the receivers of the sender's message.

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the role of European union is to give harmonization of national laws in the EU

What happened in the process called transpiration?

Well the process is that the xylem use water to do tranpiration

Which continent for the colonization of Africa?

Africa was primarily colonized by European countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, and Italy. These countries competed for control of territories in Africa to exploit its resources, establish trade routes, and expand their empires. The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 formalized the colonization process and divided Africa among European powers without consideration for Africa's existing borders or indigenous populations.

What is The process of looking into yourself and describing what there is?


Carefully looking at an object or process?
