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because Alexander tried to mix the Greek cities and the Hellenistic cites didn't mix and there your answer to your question

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Q: What happened instead of Alexander the great wanting the cultures of his defeated cities to survive and mix with Greek culture?
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Alexander wanted the cultures of his defeated cities to survive and mix with greek culture What happened instead?

Alexander died early, and his attempts were not pursued vigorously by his successors who split his empire into kingdoms of their own. There was a veneer of Greek culture amongst the Macedonian and Greek upper class, while the mass of the peoples retained their own culture.

What was the significance of of the Hellenistic culture?

Hellenistic culture is the blend of Greek, Middle Eastern and Asian cultures. The significance is that this blend happened after Alexander conquered the empires and countries listed above for the first time in history.

Why was Alexander so important to the Hellenistic Culture What did Alexandria have that brought people to it?

As Alexander was a world conquer and was never defeated in battle. He spread Hellenstic culture, the Greek culture.

What happened instead of the Greek mix of cultures?

Instead of the cultures mixing Greek culture became the strongest culture

What was the principal focus of Greed culture?

The Greed Culture was a principle founded by Alexander the Great. The principle focus of the Greed culture was acceptance of the cultures of the lands and people that Alexander the Great conquered.

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What cultures began after Alexander the great died and what else happened after he died?

Alexander tried to introduce Greek culture but this was limited by his early death. His generals divided his empire amongst themselves after his death, and continued on this path but it was only amongst the upper class that it took root.

What is hellenization?

Hellenism is the blend of Greek culture after Alexander the Great died. Alexander killed all men of the lands he conquered, which spreaded Greek culture with other cultures. Alexander decides to leave soldiers for women of that land, and their babies end out to have Greek blood.

What term describe the mixing of Greek Hellenistic and Roman culture?

The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.

How did the defeat of Alexander the Great change the cultures of the conquered lands?

Alexander died or was assassinated at the age of 32. His generals divided his empire amongst themselves, and whereas Alexander had wanted to convert his empire to Greek culture, apart from the ruling Macedonian upper class, the various peoples continued on with their own cultures.

What was the attitude of Helenistic rulers had on greek culture?

Alexander the Great's generals attempted to bring Greek culture to the parts of the Persian Empire which they had taken over after Alexander's death. They regarded Greek culture as 'civilising'. This civilising took on amongst the upper classes, however the rest continued their traditional cultures.

What happened at the Hellenistic age?

A new Greek culture spread throughout the lands Alexander had conquered.