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Q: What happened on earth 440 years ago?
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What happened on the Earth 420 million years ago?

No land animals (vertebrates) existed 440 million years ago. Lots of sea life, though. Bugs also started to appear about that time. Some scientists speculate a hypernova explosion may have caused a mass extinction of most of the life on Earth 440 million years ago.

When did first mass extention happened?

1st mass exitinction happaned 450-440 million years ago.

What happened to the earth 700 billion years ago?

Earth did not exist 700 billion years ago, nor did the universe. Earth is about 4.6 billion years old.

What happened on Earth 1000 years ago?

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What happened when an collided with earth 65 million years ago?

Dinosaurs died

First earthquake happened in the world?

Billions of years ago when the Earth was young. There was no one there to experience it, though, as there were no animals on Earth, yet.

What happened 3.8 years ago?

About 3.8 billion years is about the age of the oldest firm evidence of life on Earth.

What do scientists believe happened after an asteroid struck earth million years ago?

The dinosaurs died.

Describe what happened 65 billion years ago when there was a cosmic collision with earth?

Earth did not exist 65 billion years ago. However 65 million years ago an asteroid collided with Earth, triggering a mass extinction even that wiped out a wide variety of organisms, including the dinosaurs.

What time period where the Taconic mountains formed?

440 millions years ago

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In 1900 years Ago

What are Ordovician Silurian periods Periods?

They are both time periods of the early Paleozoic. The Ordovician was approximately 490 million years ago, to 440 million years ago. The Silurian was approximately 440 million years ago, to 416 million years ago. The Silurian was the period immediately after the Ordovician. The two periods were divided by the second largest Mass extinction in history.