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CFCs were banned because they were causing ozone depletion,allowing hazardous UV rays to penetrate earth's atmosphere.

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Q: What happened to CFC production after 1987 Why?
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What happened to CFC production after 1987?

CFCs were banned because they were causing ozone depletion,allowing hazardous UV rays to penetrate earth's atmosphere.

What year did cfc production reach its highest level?

the years of 1975 and 1987

What is the international agreement to limit CFC production?

The Montreal Protocol.

What production has been linked to an increase in the occurrence of skin cancers caused by holes in the ozone layer?

The production of CFC's has been linked. The are synthetic chemicals. These are responsible for depletion of ozone.

Why did ozone holes happened?

They happened because of ozone depleting substances. CFC's are one of them.

Why does the ozone hole happen?

The ozone hole happened when CFC's introduced. It caused due to depleting property of CFC's.

What happened after the discovery of the ozone hole with respect to cfc's?

Nothing really!

Why is the ozone hole above Antarctica inspite of no production of CFC in that region?

It is mainly due to the impact of westerlies. Westerly winds carry the CFC's to the poles where they cause depletion.

How do you think your country could contribute to the reduction of the CFC production and ozone layer protection?

Yes, you can think. It is because CFC's are used in almost every part of the world.

What happened to ozone layer?

Ozone layer is getting depleted. It is due to CFC's used.

What production is linked to an increase in the occurrence of skin cancers caused by holes in the ozone layer?

(CFC) Chlorofluorocarbons

What action resulted from a 1987 meeting reducing the amount of Cfc's released by participating countries?

Montreal Protocol