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Q: What happened to Caitlin Beadles boat accident?
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Where did Caitlin Beatles have her accident?

Its Beadles. And on a boat.

When did Caitlin beadles have the boat accident?

in Augast 2009!

What is Caitlin beadles famous for?

getting hit by a boat

How did Caitlin beadles break her leg?

Caitlin Beadles broke her leg when Justin Bieber accidently ran over it when he was in a boat. I think she fell off the boat and he was turning round to get her back on.

What happened to catlin beadles?

Catlin Got into a accident when she was jetskiing. She fell and a boat cut her legs realy badly.

Who are Christian Beadles and Caitlin Beadles?

Caitlin & Christian are a brother and sister from Georgia. They are globally known because in 2009 Caitlin dated Justin Bieber for a period of time. But Caitlin appeared on the news in the US when she had a tragic boat accident in the summer of 2009 and she models. Jade Jackson is also the girlfriend of christian beadles.

Was catlin beadles in a car accident recently in Canada?

No , she was actually in a boat accident .

When did Justin Bieber and Caitlin Beadles break up?

I think this was a little before he broke her leg, by the boat accident. They are still friends though.About 6 months ago. Febuary 9. 2010

What happened to Justin Biebers friend?

Friend's AccidentHis friend was in a boating accident.

When Caitlin Beadles had the accident what damage did she do?

Caitlin Beadles was out jet skiing at a lake near her home. At the time her parents were not with her. She fell off the jet ski and there was a boat behind her that ran over her, and the boat's propeller had cut Caitlin's legs. She was rushed to the hospital. Caitlin immediately went into surgery. Caitlin could not breathe on her own. Her heart stopped but doctors got it to start back up. Doctors could not stop the bleeding on Caitlin's legs, but they eventually did. Caitlin Beadles is still alive being bubbly Caitlin Beadles. and that's wot happened xx

Did payton burrows get in a boat accident?

no that was cailin beadles her best friend

Why is Caitlin beadles thinking that she is famous?

Caitlin beadles used to date Justin Bieber.Everyone thinks she is famous for that.But Christian Beadles (her brother) is a comedy inernet sensation.But Caitlin Beadles can sing very good.And she is friends with a girl named Payton.Payton can also sing.Also in august she had a bad accident.She was riding her jet ski (alone) and she fell of of it and a boat that was coming ran her over.