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The cyclops, Polyphemus, welcomes Odysseus and crew into his home (cave). Polyphemus plot was to bring people to his home, feed them, give them a potent wine that cause them to fall asleep and finally he would eat them. Oydsseus saw the bones lying about when they entered and became uneasy. After the crew wined and dined they fell asleep (except Odysseus) and Polyphemus put his plan into effect, but Odysseus woke the others in an attempt to escape only to be stopped by the large door blocking the entrance. Polyphemus, seeing the his dinner was fleeing started to grab and eat them. Odysseus used rope to trip the cyclops and distract him. While the cyclops was distracted Odysseus and his remaining crew took a large branch from the nearby fire and got Polyphemus to back into a wall and they made him drink his own tainted wine. They grabbed the red-hot branch and rammed him in his only eye with it destroying his sight.
Prior to this Odysseus had told him (Polyphemus) that his name was 'Nobody'. As the crew are running to the ship Polyphemus begins to call out the his fellow giants but no one bothers with him because he claims 'Nobody' blinded him. He begins to hurl boulders at the ship and gives up only to pray to his father, Poseidon, who curses the rest of Odysseus' voyage.

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Q: What happened to Odysseus and the Cyclops?
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In the "Odyssey", Odysseus blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus with a red hot log.The cyclops that was blinded by Odysseus is Polyphemos.

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Wine and food. The cyclops gets drunk, and then Odysseus stabs the cyclops in the eye with a sharpened log, then he gets away! Odysseus gives the cyclops 4 bowls of wine. As a parting gift, Odysseus and his men give the Cyclops a burning hole in its eye.