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In SegaSonic the Hedgehog, Ray was captured by Dr. Robotnik and imprisoned on Eggman Island where he was to be executed along with Mighty the Armadillo and Sonic the Hedgehog himself.

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Q: What happened to ray the flying squirrel and mighty the armadillo?
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What happened to mighty the armadillo and ray the flying squirrel?

Well, Mighty's owner left Sega, so Sega no longer has that right to Mighty. I have no apparent idea of what happened to Ray, but I could imagine that they replaced Mighty and Ray with Tails and Knuckles. It's a shame, but we can't change it.

What happened to ray the flying squirrel?

ray the flying squirrel was mighty the armadillos partner he follow mighty were ever he go. Mighty and ray was missing for a long time sonic and the chaotix were looking from them but they cant find them so they missed them. Maybe their having there adventure by thair own maybe we ones see them again.

Who are all the forgotten sonic characters?

All the forgotten sonic characters i know is Mighty the armadillo, Bean the dynamite, Nack/Fang the sniper, Ray the flying squirrel, Bark the bear, Manic the hedgehog, and Sonya the hedgehog.

Does Mighty the armadillo have a brother or sister?

Mighty the armadillo has a baby sister.

Which is the most aggressive and the most largest armadillo?

The largest armadillo is the giant armadillo of South America. No armadillo is aggressive.

Who is Mighty the Armadillo?

''WHO IS MIGHTY THE ARMADILLO?! He is almost as great as sonic! If only he could run faster. His power is super strength, his type: of course power.'' ''His main partner (like sonic and tails) is Ray the flying squirrel and his team is called team Chaotic. Manic is sonics' brother. Mighty has one sister and his parents are robbers but Mighty is a good guy. Mighty loves nature and discovering new things but hates violence. He's a really great friend to sonic. Mighty is awesome! When I first found out about him he turned out to be my favorite character! Trust me I'm a really really really really really really really gigantic sonic fan!!!!!!!!!!''

Who does Mighty the armadillo have a crush on?


What is mighty the armadillos age?

Mighty the Armadillo is 16 years old.

Is mighty the armadillo rays brother?


Does Mighty the Armadillo have his own game?

Unfortunately, no.

How do you find mighty the armadillo's theme song?

type in on google videos mighty the armadillo's theme song. The video may have a mixture of different forgotten characters theme songs but eventually you will hear mighty's.

Is Mighty the Armadillo coming back?

Probably not... sorry