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They were killed in a horrible manner and even starved to death :-'(

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Q: What happened to the Jewish people who is sent to the Nazi camp?
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Related questions

How were Jewish people treated at the Nazi concentration camp?

They were treated horribly beyond words

Did all Jewish people tattooed by Nazi's?

no, the vast majority were killed rather than were taken into the camp system.

How many people were imprisoned at the Jewish concentration camps?

Their was no Jewish Concentration Camp but in total between 15-16 Million Jews were sent to Nazi Concentration Camps.

What happened to the Jewish people in concentration camp in World War 2?

See the links below to see the atrocities that happened to the Jews.

What did the Nazi's do to Anne frank?

After she was discovered, Anne was sent to a concentration camp. There, she died of typhus

Who is Auschwitz in boy in striped pyjamas?

Auschwitz or as Bruno says it "outwith" is not a person but a place. It is a famous camp where the Jewish people were kept during Nazi Germany.

What happened if the Jewish people were found?

Either they were killed on the spot or beaten or they were taken to a labor camp and had their gold extracted from them and put in the crematorium.

What happened to German-Jewish children born in a camp during the Holocaust?

they were considered Jewish (no need to say more)

Jewish traditions interrupted by Nazi Germany?

the Nazis threw the Jews in concentration camp and would punish or kill them for following any of the Jewish holidays or traditions

Are there any documented cases of a good Nazi concentration camp guard that tried to help Jewish prisoners?

were there goog nazi and tride to help them how many and how good did they treat them

What did Jewish people do at the concentration camp?

They died

What type of people where in the amersfoort camp?

Amersfoort was a Nazi concentration camp. Between 1941 and 1945 there were over 35,000 prisoners that were kept in the camp.