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They crawled out from underneath their rocks and started all over again by holding rallies, persecuting people of different colour, burning crosses and all other kinds of really horrid and mainly stupid deeds, made sure their little children would follow in their footsteps with the same prejudices and hatred in their hearts.

They still exist, but are a little more afraid to rear their ugly (hooded) heads because in this day and age not too many people will stand for their garbage.!!

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they targeted immigrants. They killed them and stuff

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they were broken up when american discrimation was nearly cleared up. now there is still small groups but they do not merge together due to rivalry between leaders.

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Q: What happened after the KKK ended?
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What year did the KKK disappear?

The KKK still exhists today. So technically, they have never dissapeared.

When did the KKK start and is it still going on?

I believe KKK started when the civil war ended, and yes they are still around today, particularly in the south.

What happened in 1871 which temporarily stripped the KKK of much of its power?

Congressed passed legislation designed to destroy the KKK and did so.

When did the KKK come to Canada and what happened?

The Ku Klux Klan came to Canada in the early 1920s. The KKK attacked many immigrants that were from Eastern Europe and Catholics.

WHAT GROUP USESD intimidation to effect polotics WAS IT THE KKK?

Yes, the KKK is know for using intimidation tactics to try and influence politics. This mostly happened right after the civil war.

What happened if the president was a member of the KKK?

In the early years of the last Century, probably nothing would have happened if a president had been a member of the KKK. It might have gotten him more votes in some sections and he would have lost votes in other parts of the country.

What happened in 1871 which temperoraily stripped the KKK of it's power?

The Enforcement Act of 1871 was ordered.

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One key factor that stopped Wegener from fully proving his theory of continental drift was the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain how continents could move. Additionally, Wegener faced resistance from the scientific community who were skeptical of his ideas based on the limited evidence he presented at the time. Lastly, the technological advancements necessary to provide compelling evidence for his theory, such as satellite mapping and deep-sea drilling, were not available during Wegener's time.

When did the first KKK end?

The group of KKK has ended, but their are still a few people who believe in the KKK ways. They just have no way to put their beliefs into action because we are now all considered equal. Sadly, somebody, somewhere, will always probly believe in the KKK ways.

What is the definition of zoom slider?

kkk kkk kkk

Who were the confederate soldiers that formed the KKK?

The first Imperial Wizard was a Southern General and no doubt many ex army ended up as members.

Who authored the book The Chamber?

John Grisham was the author of the book. The book is about a lawyer who fought in the Civil Rights Movement whose office was bombed by the KKK member. However, the lawyer began to doubt the guilt of the KKK member and ended up defending him.