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Q: What happened to the fluid flow rate as the radius of the flow tube increased?
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Physio Ex Answer: When the right vessel radius was increased the flow rate increases.

What viscosity level was the fluid flow rate the highest?

The relationship between radius and fluid flow rate is inversely proportional. As radius goes down, fluid flow rate goes up. The highest fluid flow rate will be at the lowest radius.

When can you increase the flow rate of a fluid in your daily life?

The flow rate of a fliud or liquid could be increased (depending on the situation) by increasing the amount of the fluid, then channelising this fluid into a narrow channel.

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Is the relationship between the fluid flow rate and the flow tube radius linear or exponential?


What is the effect that radius changes have on the laminar flow of a fluid?

Laminar flow is the free-flowing blood in the middle of the vessel. Therefore, larger the radius of vessel, more the laminar flow. Smaller the radius of vessel, lesss the laminar flow. Laminar flow is directly reltated to the radius of a vessel.

Can you give an example of a quartic function in real life?

The flow of an ideal fluid through a tube is a quartic function -- the flow rate varies with the radius to the 4th degree. So if you double the radius of a tube, 16 times more fluid can pass through the tube in the same interval of time.

Explain bernoulli's principle?

In simple terms, if a fluid is flowing through a pipe, as the radius of the pipe decreases the speed of fluid flow must increase and visa-versa.

What is radial flow?

radial flow is flow along the radius

What is the relationship between flow rate and radius size?

Flow rate= radius to the fourth power

An irregular fluid flow is what?

Irregular Fluid Flow is called Turbulent Flow! I hope this helped! :D

Is the relationship between the fluid flow rate and the flow radius linear or expontial?

The answer you are looking for is exponential. Flow 4, Radius 1.5 Flow 12.6, Radius 2 Flow 30.7, Raduis 2.5 ....etc Linear growth continues to increase at the same rate, whereas exponential growth increases at an expanding rate. Linear growth 1+1=2 2+1=3 3+1=4 Exponential 2x3=6 3x3=9 4x3=12