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Q: What happened to the loans in the Great Depression?
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What happened in 1928-1932?

The great depression-USA loans had to be called in from other countries as wall st had crashed happened meaning shares in USA had to be called in so USA called back all there loans=Other countries suffered from Unemplyment and poverty

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The great depression

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The great depression and the war

Did the Great Depression happen in Arizona?

Yes it did. No State was spared. The Great Depression was a global event.

What happened first the New Deal or the Great Depression?

The Great Depression occurred before the New Deal.

What happened after the people died in the great depression?

They were buried.

What important event happened in 1952?

the great depression

Was Taylor Swift around during the Great Depression?

The Great Depression happened in the 1930s and 1940s. Taylor Swift was born in 1989, so she was not around during the Great Depression.

Was there a Great Depression in Ireland?

there was a great depression in Ireland, but it happened during the 1980's and 1990's, instead of the 1930's

Where did the Great Depression hit the most?

It happened most in the 1720s.

Which important events happened after gold was discovered?

Great Depression