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Q: What happened to the people that were sent to the concentration camps?
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Related questions

What happened to elderly and ill people sent to concentration camps?

Because they are ill and old they would not be able to work. They were most probably sent to the gas chambers after their arrival at the camps.

What are some of the things that happened to people during the Holocaust?

They would have been killed treated inhumane or sent to concentration camps.

Where were jews sent prior to concentration camps?

They were sent to ghettos prior to the Concentration Camps...

How many people were sent to concentration camps in 1933?

there were about 3.000

Where were people sent who opposed the Nazi regime?

Concentration Camps.

In the concentration camps how long did you have to be in it?

People were sent to concentration camps without trial and without any sentence. They were held indefinitely.

Who were the people sent to concentration camps in Holland?


Was it just the Jews that got sent to the German concentration camps in 1939?

No many other sorts of people were sent to concentration camps such as gay people, coloured people, the disabled and mentally ill, political activists and gypsies.

How many people were imprisoned at the Jewish concentration camps?

Their was no Jewish Concentration Camp but in total between 15-16 Million Jews were sent to Nazi Concentration Camps.

What happened after Jews were transported to concentration camps?

They were worked to death, tortured, or sent into gas chambers to die.

What groups were sent to both Nazi concentration camps and soviet labor camps?

People with a Polish background were often sent to both Nazi concentration camps and Soviet labor camps. Both Germany and the Soviet Union wanted control of Poland.

Who was sent to concentration camps?

Jews, black people,gipsies and jeaovahs witness