

What happened to tree's in Hurricane Katrina?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What happened to tree's in Hurricane Katrina?
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Who was in charge of controlling hurricane Katrina?

Nobody controlled Hurricane Katrina. It was a hurricane. it happened on its own.

Why will Hurricane Katrina happen?

Hurricane Katrina has already happened, it is not something that will happen.

When did the Louisiana hurricane happen?

Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005

Where does Hurricane Katrina happened?

new orleans

What was the Biggest hurricane that happened in he world?

Katrina i think

Time of year hurricane Katrina is relevant to how it happened?

Yes. Hurricane Katrina happened in late August when the oceans are usually at their warmest. This can result in very strong hurricanes.

Which of these is the main topic of the article The Nightmare After Katrina?

What happened to New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina

What is the coastliest hurricane?

The coastliest hurricane is Hurricane Katrina. It happened during 2005 in New Orleans. Sorry for the mistake.

What caused the deaths of Hurricane Katrina?

Most of the deaths from Hurricane Katrina were drownings due to the hurricane's storm surge. Some deaths may have been due to wind damage such as falling trees.

The author of the article The Nightmare After Katrina is primarily attempting to?

describe what happened to New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina.

What was destroyed after Hurricane Katrina?

after hurricane Katrina was over homes businesses and people were destroyed. the environment was damaged strong winds flu across destroyed trees plants and killed animals.

Was Hurricane Katrina in 2001?

No. Hurricane Katrina was in 2005.