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It is hard to know exactly when they met. She was Thomas Jefferson's sister in law (Sally had the same father as Jefferson's wife Martha) and came to live with him when she was a teen after the death of Martha and Sally's father.

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They think Sally Hemings was 61-62 years old.

Their age difference could be 22-23 years.

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Six children happened.

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Q: What was the age difference between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings?
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Who was Sally Hemings?

Sally Hemings was a slave who was owned by Thomas Jefferson. There is DNA evidence that either Thomas Jefferson or a close relative of Jefferson had children with her.

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What is Sally hemings occupation and life?

Sally Hemings was one of Thomas Jefferson's slaves, the one he had a long intimate relationship with.

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Sally Hemings - Jefferson's slave and his wife's half sister

How important was DNA evidence in the Jefferson-hemings scandal?

I assisted Dr Foster with the Jefferson-Hemings DNA Study and can report that the test did disprove the original claim by James Callender in 1802. There was no Jefferson-Tom Woodson match whatsoever. It did prove that the Carr brothers were not a match with the Hemings descendant of Eston Hemings, only son of Sally Hemings. The Hemings refuse to DNA test William Hemings (son of Madison Hemings) because they "are happy with the current results." I believe him to be fathered by one of the Carr brothers. The Eston Hemings family always claimed descent from "a Jefferson uncle or nephew", meaning Randolph Jefferson, much younger brother of Thomas Jefferson, and his sons, not from Thomas. Dr Foster failed to notify Nature of these other family members with the same DNA; thus a false headline. Herbert Barger, Founder, Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society Another viewpoint: The historical question of whether Jefferson was the father of Heming's children has been known as the Jefferson-Hemings controversy. Following renewed historic analysis and a 1998 DNA study that found a match between the Jefferson male line and a descendant of her last son, Eston Hemings, a consensus among historians supports that the widower Jefferson fathered her son Eston Hemings and likely all her children. Some historians disagree. Neither of these answer the original question but it appears that DNA evidence was very important.

What was sally hemings first job?

She was to accompany Thomas Jefferson's daughter to France and be a nursemaid to his daughter while she was there.

What would Thomas Jefferson do every morning?

Look at Sally Hemings' buns and admire her from behind his bifocals.

What was Thomas Jefferson's early adulthood like?

Thomas Jefferson's family was a big and well educated and wealthy h was 1 of 8 children. Two died in childhood the boys had a tutor so Thomas Jefferson's family is big, well educated, and wealthy.!.!.!.!.!.!.!

Who made the Monticello?

Monticello was the home of President Thomas Jefferson.

What dose thomas Jefferson a lover?

His slave Sally Hemings had 6 six of his children,. Not so sure she was a “lover” since she was a slave.

Why in his will did Thomas Jefferson not free Sally Hemings?

Because that was not the deal that they made. Sally was free when she was in France because there was no slavery there. To have her come back with him Thomas Jefferson told Sally that he would free her children at the age of 21. Sally Hemmings was freed 2 years after Thomas Jefferson's death.

What was the name of the African American women that Thomas Jefferson fell in love with?

The name of the afican-american women he fell in love with is Sally Hemings.