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Q: What happened when people from many villages used sumerian iriigation systems?
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What were the inventions of the Sumerian's?

The plow,the wheel,and irrigation systems

Was irrigation used during Neolithic Age?

sumerian irrigation systems

What one way that the civilization was the Mayas and the sumerian are similar?

They developed extensive writing systems

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What remains of Sumerian archeology?

Sumerian archaeology has revealed remarkable artifacts such as cylinder seals, cuneiform tablets, and ziggurats. These findings provide insights into Sumerian society, economy, and belief systems. Ongoing excavations continue to uncover new evidence about this ancient civilization's achievements and influence.

What new problems occurred after Sumerian farmers created irrigation systems?

they felt like the needed to help the other people

What river systems did the Egyptian and sumerian use?

The egytians used the nile river mostly and the sumerins used Tigris and Euphrates river

Which describes Sumerian writing?

Sumerian writing is one of the earliest known writing systems, developed by the Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia. It consists of characters called cuneiform, which were formed by pressing a reed stylus into clay tablets. The Sumerian language is one of the earliest known languages to be written down using this writing system.

What were the areas of life that were improved by Sumerian inventions?

Sumerian inventions improved agriculture through the development of the plow and irrigation systems, which increased crop yields. In addition, advancements in writing and mathematics helped create more organized systems of record-keeping and trade. The wheel was also a significant invention that improved transportation and trade networks.

What happened as a result of humans settling down in agriculture villages?

As a result of humans settling down in agricultural villages, societies transitioned from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to permanent settlements, leading to population growth, the development of specialized labor roles, social hierarchies, and the emergence of organized systems of governance. This shift also led to the domestication of plants and animals, the development of new technologies, and the establishment of long-term trade networks.

Cuneiform writing provided the basis for the development of what?

Cuneiform writing provided the basis for the development of writing systems in the ancient Near East, including Akkadian, Sumerian, and Assyrian. It also influenced the development of other writing systems, such as the Phoenician alphabet and ultimately, modern writing systems.

What role did women and slaves play in sumerian religion?

As Sumerian society grew more complex, it divided into several social groups, or classes. Many societies are divided into unequal classes. Classes of systems often define who usually has power and who usually does the less desirable jobs.