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no pun in ten did

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Q: What happened when the teacher told ten jokes trying to make the class laugh?
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What happened when the teacher told 10 jokes trying to make the class laugh?

he got owned by a pupil who told one joke and made everyone laugh. then they threw their work at the teacher because he failed misrably

What happen when the teacher told ten jokes trying to make the class laugh?

They give here that it so not funny face!

What is round and bad-tempered?

A lazy old teacher

Who tells the dryest jokes?

Teachers when they are trying to be funny

What are mean jokes to crack on girls?

When men are trying to make some gossip jokes with some spice of real essence.

What are some good chemistry jokes that a teacher could use?

There are several websites that good chemistry jokes can be obtained from. Among them are About, Jupiter Scientific, Jokes 4 Us, Angelo, and Chemical Forums.

What are some funny jokes for girls?

I know a good joke site that is random jokes and nothing to rude or offensive: A boy went to school and the class were given a homework on an essay about a war they participated in. When that particular boy got home he didn't do the homework and when he got to school the next day his teacher asked him why he didn't do the homework and this is what ensued; Teacher: Why did you not do your homework? Boy: Sir, I was killed immediately the war began, that is why I couldn't write the essay.

Where can one find jokes a group of small business owners would appreciate?

There are many jokes one could use when trying to humor small business owners. Joke Center has numerous jokes that would be applicable for such situations.

What is the meaning of chistes gallegos?

"Chistes gallegos" refers to jokes or humorous anecdotes that are stereotypically associated with the region of Galicia in Spain. These jokes often portray Galicians as being naive or slow-witted.

Know any cat jokes?

What happened when a cat swallowed a ball of yarn? She had mittens.

Can jokes impress girls?

If they're good, try telling them a funny story that happened.

You are 17 years and a girl walks with you after class you dont discuss anything but studies what should you talk to her about what jokes?

There are many things that you can talk with a 17 year old girl after class. In addition to telling jokes, you can talk about your favorite teachers or subjects in school.