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The female seahorse deposits her eggs in a pouch at the male seahorse's abdomen. He then carries them until they hatch.

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Q: What happens after the female seahorse lays her eggs?
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Does a female seahorse lay the eggs in the male seahorse belly?

No, she lays them in the water and the male gathers them up in his mouth and blows them into his pouch.

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Who lays the seahorses eggs?

In seahorse, the female inserts the eggs into the sac present in male's belly. The male takes care of the gestation period and gives birth to young ones.

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Female millipedes may lay as many as 2,000 eggs, but a few hundred is more likely. THE FEMALE. the only animal that the male lays the eggs (which isn't entirely true because the female makes the egs then GIVES the eggs to the male) is the seahorse.

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Does seahorse lay egg or give birth to live young?

It lays eggs! It is not a mammel

What role does the male sea horse play in developing young seahorses?

The male seahorse has a pouch in the front of its tummy into which the female lays her eggs. The male then broods the developing eggs until they hatch and are released from the pouch. See the link below