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they are to be worked with another ball of yarn, normally this is for armholes or for handles.

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Q: What happens after you leave your stitches on a stitch holder?
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What does it mean leave remaining stitches unworked?

It means that instead of working a stitch into that stitch you skip it and leave it unworked. For instance if you have 20 stitches and it says crochet in 19 and leave the 20th unworked, you would simply not crochet into the 20th stitch.

Is a blanket stitch similar to the overcast stitch?

The overcast stitch is made by simply taking the needle around and around the edge of the fabric, in the top, out the bottom, in the top, out the bottom. It results in a very tight single ply stitch. The Blanket stitch involves pulling the thread over to the side as you insert the needle, thereby separating the stitches by the amount of space you choose to leave. The stitches are much more decorative and loose than the overcast. For an illustrated guide on the different stitches, such as this one on the internet:

What does decrease mean in crochet instructions?

It means decrease a stitch. You do this by putting two stitches together by leaving the last loop of a stitch open and completing it with the next stitch. For example, to decrease using single stitches: Insert hook, yarn over, pull through (so far, a normal sc), yarn over, and pull through only one of the loops on hook. Then, leaving the two loops on the hook, insert hook into next stitch, yarn over, pull through, yarn over, and then pull through all loops on hook. This can be done with any stitch, simply leave one loop of the stitch on, then on the next stitch pull through all loops.

Do Prolene stitches leave a bad scar on face?

No. How much of a scar is left is dependant on the cut, the size and type of suture, and type of stitch. If a small size suture is used for a continuous stitch, then generally the injury heals very well. It's the interrupted stitch that leaves the "railroad" scar. If you ever have a large cut on your face, always ask for a plastic surgeon. This assures that the scar will be as minimal as possible.

How do you hide the final stitch in crochet?

I think you mean the final strand or tail left after you complete your final stitch. That strand (and any other tails left dangling in your work) should be pulled through your last stitch, then sewn through the stitches to hide it. I generally go a few stitches in one direction, down the post of a stitch, and turn and go in the opposite direction, to make sure it stays in place. Try to match color and weave such that the strand is not easily visible. One should always leave a tail several inches in length. A friend of mine suggested that an appropriate length would be from the wrist to the top of your middle finger. which for me is about 6".

Ive just cut your lip and had stitches will it recover or leave a scare?

i think it will leave a scare

How do you find the start when knitting in a circle?

Usually one has a "tail" of yarn from the cast-on stitches when you start. It helps to note the beginning at the cast-on process, and put a slip marker there to mark the beginning of the row. The "tail" is a great way to remember where you started, so when you begin a piece, take the time to put your marker on your needles. If you have "lost" your way, very carefully look at your piece near that tail. You should see where the stitches are slightly "off"...that's where your "start" of the row is. Happy knitting!! When both knitting and crocheting in the round, I would mark the beginning of my row with a stitch marker. This can be either a small scrap of yarn in a different color than your working in or a stitch marker that you purchase in the store. Depending upon the pattern I might move the marker to the first stitch of the most recently completed row - or - I might leave the original marker in place and simply add new markers as I add rows.

How many stitches do you need to cast on to make a shawl?

That depends on many factors, the shape of shawl you are trying to make, your gauge and the type of yarn you are using. For a rectangular shawl, or stole, decide whether you want to knit the length or width. Personally, I knit the width of the stole and continue until it's long enough, but the direction of the stitches changes the look of the shawl. Determine how wide you want your stole to be, say 24 inches. Cast on 10 stitches and knit a few rows. Measure how wide your swatch is, say 6 inches, and do a little math. (Finished width / width of swatch) so (24 inches / 6 inches = 4 times the width) So, you multiply your stitches used, 10, by the number of times larger you need your piece, 4, and you cast on 40 stitches. It works the same if you want to work the length of the stole. If you are not needing a specific size, you can cast on about what looks right. For a triangular shawl, it can be easier to start, but you have to keep track of your rows. 1. Cast on three stitches. 2. Knit all. Place a stitch marker on the now empty needle. You can leave it on the needle without ever passing it back. You can also use two different colored needles or put a little waste yarn into the last stitch in this row. You are simply trying to keep track of which row you re on. 3. Knit the first stitch and cast on a stitch, the method doesn't really matter. Knit the next stitch and cast on a stitch, knit the last stitch. 4. Knit all 5 stitches. 5. Knit the first stitch, increase, knit the next three, increase, knit the last. 6. Knit all 7 stitches. 7. Knit the first, increase, knit to the second to last stitch, increase, knit the last. 8. Knit back. Repeat rows 7 and 8. By increasing one stitch in, rather than in the last stitch, you have a smoother edge to the shawl. Just keep alternating an increase row with a knit even row until the shawl is as wide as you'd like. If you find your shawl is getting too wide for the length, increase less, if it's not wide enough, increase more often. An alternative to 2 increases on every other row would be to increase one on every row. I'd still increase near the edge, just decide if you want to increase at the beginning of the row, or the end. You will need 45 casted on stitches.

What does sk mean in crochet instructions?

In crochet, the abbreviation, sk chs, is an instruction to skip (sk) chains (chs). In a pattern you might see it written: sk 3ch. Which would translate into: skip stitching into the next 3 chain stitches (you would then follow then next instructions to find out what to do then).

How do you put theatrics into a sentence?

His theatrics never fail to leave us in stitches.

How long do you leave stitches on your head in?

about 7 daysAlways follow physicians directions.

How long should I leave stitches in my finger?

Until the doctor tells you they can be removed. They will inform you of this fact when you get the stitches. If you weren't listening, call their office and they will let you know.