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The photons spread over a larger area

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Q: What happens as light travels farther from its source?
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As you move farther away your shadow get bigger and goes away

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They disperse.

Why is the light blurrer as light moves further?

Light is bluer as it moves farther is because blue travels faster than the other colors in the visible spectrum.

What happens to the speed of light when it travels from air into glass?

It decreases.

What happens when light travels through a pair of eyeglasses?

It is refracted

How many seconds does light travel in one year?

Light travels 31,536,000 seconds in a year, just like, let's say, a snail that never stops creeping. But light travels farther than a snail does in the same time. For example, in a year, light travels 9,454,254,955,000 kilometers (5,874,601,673,000 miles).

What happens when light passes through vacuum?

it travels at c (speed of light in a vacuum)

Is it possible for a person with a 70-year life span to travel farther than light travels in 70 years?

No, it is not.

Why does the intensity of light change with distance?

As light gets farther from the source, the same amount of light spreads out over a larger area.

What happens to light rays as it travels from the transparent glass of air?


What happen to the shadow as the light source gets farther?

The shadow will become less defined.

Where does light travel to?

Light emitted by any light source - say, by a lamp, or by the Sun - travels in all directions.