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The red and green inks are uniformly distributed throughout the pan.

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Q: What happens at equilibrium if you fill a shallow pan with water and place a drop of red ink in one end of the pan and a drop of green ink in the other end?
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When light shines on green paper, the paper absorbs most of the colors in the light spectrum but reflects green wavelengths back to our eyes. This is why we perceive the paper as green. The green color is determined by the pigment molecules in the paper that absorb all other colors except green.

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When a green filter is passed through light, it selectively absorbs all colors of light except green. This means that only green light passes through the filter, while other colors are absorbed. The result is that the light appears green in color after passing through the filter.

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In situations like these, it is best to follow the scientific method and formulate a controlled experiment to determine the answer. In other words, try it and see what happens.

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What is equilibrium in math?

Equilibrium in math is when you have two expressions that are equal to each other. generally the notation for this is the = sign.

What does zeroth law of thermodynamics states?

Consider 2 beakers of water, in one beaker, the temperature of water is above room temperature, and the other is below room temperature. They are left on a table (they are not in contact with each other), after some time, equilibrium is reached. Both beakers of water are at the same temperature. The two beakers become in thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, thus they are in thermal equilibrium with each other, and they are at the same temperature. I hope that it helps you...