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When a spreading boundary develops on land, two slabs of Earths' crust slide apart. :D :ID (c:

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11h ago

At spreading boundaries, tectonic plates move apart, creating new crust as magma rises from the mantle and solidifies. This process allows for the seafloor to spread and expand as new material is added, resulting in the formation of mid-ocean ridges.

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Q: What happens at spreading boundaries?
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Are convergent boundaries and sea-floor spreading related in any way?

Yes, convergent boundaries and sea-floor spreading are related in the sense that sea-floor spreading can occur at divergent boundaries (where tectonic plates move apart), leading to the creation of new oceanic crust. This new oceanic crust can then be consumed at convergent boundaries (where tectonic plates collide), as one plate is subducted beneath the other.

Does sea floor spreading happen in a convergent boundary?

No, sea floor spreading does not happen in a convergent boundary. Sea floor spreading occurs at divergent boundaries, where tectonic plates move away from each other, allowing magma to rise and create new oceanic crust. Convergent boundaries involve tectonic plates colliding, leading to subduction or mountain building.

How do fire tornadoes impact the environment?

Firewhirls, as they are more properly called, can affect the environment by spreading fire beyond the boundaries of the fire from which they formed.

What is spreading in regards to geology?

Spreading in geology refers to the process where tectonic plates move away from each other, creating new crust at mid-ocean ridges or rift zones. This movement is typically associated with divergent plate boundaries and can lead to the formation of new ocean basins.

How does the plasticity of the Asthenosphere help tectonic plates move?

The plasticity of the asthenosphere allows for a weak, ductile layer beneath the rigid lithosphere. As tectonic plates move and interact at plate boundaries, the asthenosphere can flow and deform, facilitating the motion of the plates. This helps drive processes like seafloor spreading, subduction, and continental drift.

Related questions

What happens at the plate boundaries where spreading occurs?

the earth drifts away. This is science.

What happens to spreading boundaries?

SPREADING ZONES Spreading zone occurs in the border of two tectonic plates. This happens when the plates generally move away from each other creating an opening for the magma to force through the surface.

What are spreading boundaries?

Spreading boundaries are places where two plates move apart.

What happens at spreading plate boundaries?

tectonic plates move apart allowing magma to move to the surface.

What occurs at plate boundaries that are associated with seafloor spreading?

When seafloor spreading happens, a rift forms at the bottom of a ocean and separates to form new rock. This is an example of a divergent plate boundary

How are spreading boundaries related to volcanoes?

they are not

Divergent Boundaries are also called?

Spreading centers.

What causes volcanoes to form at spreading boundaries?

Please make the question clearer. There are converging and diverging boundaries but not spreading boundaries. Plates move but don't spread. Please make the question clearer

How do spreading boundaries plates move?

it moves

What do spreading boundaries do?

They create new crust.

What are the three types of boundaries?

Three types of plate boundaries are spreading boundaries, colliding boundaries, and sliding boundaries. um actually they are divergent, convergent, and transform

What boundary type is sea floor spreading?

These ridges are spreading centers or divergent plate boundaries