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Q: What happens at the cellular level in all tissues?
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The difference between the cellular make-up of a living organism and an aluminum can is?

Cellular organization is on three levels: tissues, organs, and systems. Tissues In multicellular organisms all of the cells etc the can is a mental.

Does meiosis happen in all tissues?

No. Meiosis happens in the tissues that form gametes, such as the ovaries and testes in mammals.

What are the levels of structural organization between the cell and the multicellular organism?

It all starts out with cells. When there is a lot of cells that preform the same function the cells make tissues. When tissues work together they make organs. And oragans make organ systems. Last, organ systems make up an organism. To summerize, cells make tissues, tissues make organs, organs make organ systems, and organ systems make organisms. -Glad to help

Which level of biological organization is composed of tissues?

The level of biological organization is composed of tissues is a organ. The smallest unit that has all of the characteristics of life is the cell.

Which process happens in all cells?

The general term is cellular respiration.

What are the levels of organization in the human body and how do they relate to each other?

Chemical Level(atoms, molecules), Cellular Level(smooth muscle cell), Tissue Level(smooth muscle tissue), Organ Level(stomach), System Level(digestive system), and Organism Level.

Definition of organ tissue?

two or more similar tissues and all the inter-cellular material, acting together for a specialized function

What is the most basic level of structural organization in the body?

Cells are the most basic unit of organization in the body, and the cellular level is the most basic level of organization. Cells joint to for tissues, which form organs, which form organ systems, which form organisms.cell, tissue, organ, organ system, and the organism

Do multicellular organisms have tissues?

Yes! All multi-cellular organisms contain specialized cells. Specialization is the reason they become multi-cellular. Multi-cellular organisms are differentiated from other eukaria and prokaria in that, rather than living individually or in convenient colonies, they MUST be multi-cellular to survive.

The organ level of organization contains all of these lower levels?

The organ level of an organism contains the chemical, tissue and cellular level. All of these levels are needed to create and organ.

Is it true that the organs make all the cells an organism?

In fact the opposite is true. Cellular reproduction is what causes other cells that make up Tissues, and therefore make up Organs from Tissues are what make cells.

What are the four levels of organizations for an organism?

Level 1 - Cells They are the basic unit of cellular functions in the body. Level 2 - Tissues Made up of cells that are similar in structure and function and work together to perform a specific activity. Level 3 - Organs Made up of tissues that work together to perform a specific activity. Level 4 - Organ systems Groups of two or more tissues that work together to perform a specific function for the organism. Level 5 - Organism Entire living things that can carry out all basic life processes. Meaning they can take in materials, release energy from food, release wastes, grow, respond to the environment, and reproduce.