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Q: What happens because the lithosphere floats on the asthenosphere?
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What rests on the astheosphere?

The Lithosphere Floats on top of the asthenosphere because it is less dense.

What is the soft layer on the mantle which the lithosphere floats?


What is the soft layer of the mantle which the lithosphere floats?


The lithosphere floats on a layer of the earth mantle called?

The asthenosphere.

Which suggests that earth lithosphere floats on the asthenosphere?

tension or compression or shear or isostasy

What is the section of the lithosphere which is always moving?

The lithosphere, which is composed of the crust and upper mantle, floats and moves on top of the ductile asthenosphere.

Is it true or false that the asthenosphere floats on the lithosphere?

Because of something called Isostacy-the gravitational equilibrium between lithosphere and asthenosphere, such that plates "float" at an elevation that dependes on the thickness and density. EX. Think floating ice cubes

What is moving in plate tectonics?

The Lithosphere, which is made up of the entire crust and the upper mantle. This Lithosphere floats on the weak/molten lowwer mantle, called the Asthenosphere.

What floats on earth mantle?

The lithosphere, part crust and part rigid upper mantle, floats on the asthenosphere.

Earth's crust and its upper mantle is called?

The lithosphere is the crust Moho and upper mantle. It floats on a plasticity zone called the asthenosphere.

What is the zone below the lithosphere in the earth?

"What is the zone below the lithosphere in the earth?"Asthenosphere!!!!Mrs. Mckinney's 9th Grade Earth Science Class - 3rd PeriodBCHSOwingsville, KY

How is the lithosphere different then the adthosphere?

The lithosphere is defined as the crust plus the brittle, uppermost mantle to which it is attached. The part of the upper mantle called the asthenosphere is ductile, and is the portion of the mantle on which the lithosphere 'floats'. Essentially, it is a difference in the degree of ductility. The lithosphere is brittle; the mantle is ductile.