

What happens before periods?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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you usually get break-out, cramps, tired, breasts hurts, bloated, and PMS.

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I get mood swings during my periods. Why is that so Where can I get answers for this and more queries?

You can get the answers here and you can go and ask to your gynecologist also. Mood swings are common during periods. This happens due to hormonal changes. Both the estrogen and progesterone level drops down before periods.

What happens to the egg when it isnt fertilized?

It dies and is eventually flushed as waste. This happens as part of a women's menstrual cycle; its primary purpose being to cleanse the uterus before new eggs are produced.

Why does your temperature rise before period?

Mine does rise, about 3 days before periods and falls during periods

What dinosaur periods where there?

The main dinosaur periods were the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. they were in the mesozoic era. there were other periods before dinosaurs like the carboniferous.

Which one is safe before or after?

after periods

How do you know if you are pregnant with your periods?

Get a pregnancy test! Sometimes it happens!

How do you know when you are fertile enough to get pregnant?

after you have finished with your periods and before the next periods starts .

Why do girls get periods for like a month straight?

Most girls will have their periods for 3-7 days approximately once a month. However, girls may experience PMS before they get their periods, and this may confuse some people into thinking they have their periods for several weeks. As well, some girls period's may fluctuate wildly for a variety of reasons. Generally anyone this happens to should talk to their doctor about it.

What happens if you have pink periods?

i think its normal maybe its light red

Can periods sometimes be brown?

yep, happens 2 me all the time!

What happens to teenage girls?

they go on their periods which makes then able to have children.